“General Wei also expressed solemn stance on the Taiwan question, stressing that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, which is a fact and status quo that no one can change. If the Taiwan question is not handled properly, it will have a subversive effect on the China-US relations. The Chinese military will resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.
Austin said the US is ready to promote the implementation of the important consensus reached by the two heads of state over the phone and will strengthen military exchanges and cooperation in a frank and open manner. The US adheres to the one-China principle . The two sides should manage competition and risks in a responsible way and properly handle the difficult problems in the military-to-military relationship, he added.”
這兩段話在翻譯上,看來沒有太大問題,只有一點很有趣的是美國向來都是其遵循「一中政策」(one-China policy)但北京用辭都是「一中原則」(one-China principle);因此以往經常是中文新聞稿上是「一中原則」,而英文新聞稿上是(one-China policy),搞成各說各話與各取所需。但這次中國大陸國防部新聞稿居然是相反地呈現,怎麼會將此種關鍵辭語搞反,這倒底是怎麼回事兒?更值得深入理解。
依據美國國防部發言人John F. Kirby對此發言駁斥過程,在此提出分析如下:
6.就算駐外武官系統人員失職,美國國防部長本身所轄個人幕僚、國際情報體系以及業管單位,居然也沒有查證到此項問題,更是讓人難以理解。特別是中國大陸以往就曾經在中英文版本上做過文章,只是這次是搞成相反論述,中文版是「一個中國政策」,英文版是「one China principle」,結果美國國防部會如此失察,更讓人覺得和尚太多,最後搞到沒水喝,實在讓人搖頭。
9.最後來談最重要的事,既然Kirby能夠出面否認中國大陸英文新聞稿所稱「one China principle」不正確,但對著同份新聞稿中所稱「四不一無意」卻隻字未提,換言之就是下面這段「魏鳳和說,中美雙方要認真落實兩國元首共識,相互尊重、和平共處、避免對抗,美方要將“四不一無意”承諾落到實處。中國希望與美國建立健康穩定發展的大國關系,也必將捍衛國家利益和尊嚴,美國不應低估中國的決心和能力。中美兩軍要增進軍事互信,加強對話交流,管控風險危機,開展務實合作,確保兩軍關系正常穩定發展。」
而其英文版則是“General Wei Fenghe said that China and the US should earnestly implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, respect each other, coexist peacefully and avoid confrontation, and the US side should fulfill its commitment that the US does not seek a new Cold War with China; it does not aim to change China's system; the revitalization of its alliances is not targeted at China; the US does not support "Taiwan independence"; and it has no intention to seek a conflict with China.”
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