Very few original references to Euclid survive, so little is known about his life. He was likely born around 325 BC, although the place and circumstances of both his birth and death are unknown and may only be estimated relative to other people mentioned with him. He is mentioned by name, though rarely, by other Greek mathematicians from Archimedes (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC) onward, and is usually referred to as "ὁ στοιχειώτης" ("the author of Elements").[6] The few historical references to Euclid were written by Proclus c. 450 AD, eight centuries after Euclid lived.[7]
A detailed biography of Euclid is given by Arabian authors, mentioning, for example, a birth town of Tyre. This biography is generally believed to be fictitious.[8] If he came from Alexandria, he would have known the Serapeum of Alexandria, and the Library of Alexandria, and may have worked there during his time. Euclid's arrival in Alexandria came about ten years after its founding by Alexander the Great, which means he arrived c. 322 BC.[9]
昨天xxx兄提到的Saint Albert,也是一個很好的例子。此人生於1200,死於1280左右。那時他就是個積極的反猷運動和十字軍東征的組織者。遲到1899年,德國學術界才把38卷學術著作,(22000頁)列為他的學術成就。以當時德、法、意等國的物質與文化條件,根本不可能完成。1899年,剛好又是歐洲編造“古希臘文化”最狂熱的時代(史學界稱呼為Philhellenism “the love of Greek culture")。另一個具體例子就是歐洲學者廣為徵求雅典神廟的修復設計圖,最後輾轉採納了德國兩位建築師的構想,修復成今天的模樣。此前神廟原址中心還有一個奧斯曼當局建的清真寺,但改造過程中給拆了。古希臘狂熱的最大動機,就是要擺脫伊斯蘭文化的影響與痕跡,其衝動一如當前臺獨的反中,以及中共如何把其“道統”追溯為馬恩列斯毛。今天只要仔細讀讀十九大檔,觀察一下中共每屆領導人在編織道統故事上,如何煞費苦心,就該對我們一路走過的繭房裡灌輸的“知識”,要謹慎消費。
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